Actually, 1 month 19 days

I have ~184 commits in the main branch- this number will always look weird because of git flow, tiny fix-comment commits, and squah-everything branch rebases because of long lived (like, over 3 days or stops merging cleanly) feature branches.

I am still a fan of one on ones.

I have detailled opinions about different facets of agile, most of which I think are irrelevant to my current team.

Not pairing still feels weird, and I do make mistakes which would probably not happen during a pairing session. That said, hacking on random things is fun and work does progress.

I have experienced my first moment of being a release manager for this team + ‘handyman’ (what a team I was once on calls ‘tow truck’)

Still not a HipChat fan

The primary womens restroom has been functional intermittantly for more than half of this month, which is… better than not? To get to the one that is so-far-always functional, walk to the other side of the office and out the security doors. Don’t forget your badge, or you will have to take the back elevator downstairs, come back up the front elevator, and wait for the receptionist to let you in. This is not the company’s fault; it is an issue with the building and there have been repairmen in daily to fix it. That said, I might get set up to work from home more effectively because I don’t see an end to this.

My team has a healthy vacation policy, i.e. yes please take it. Yay!

Pre-tax commuting expense debit card is working, which is cool.

Soon I will get more ambitious, as soon as the excessively complex thing I am working on right now wraps up.

I completed (with tests and pull request) a card during our laptops-required planning meeting, because reasons.

Pull requests are making me a better developer.

Attended a three-hour interview training session which did not actually end in me being capable of or allowed to interview candidates for GB. That said, I am generally comfortable interviewing developer candidates because I have done it quite a lot.