It is only month four? We are definitely well into the steady state of forever (phase 1) i.e. time to look beyond Getting Things Done to Improving How We Get Things Done.


  • 317 commits in ~4 months. Again, git flow and squash make these numbers basically unintelligibly weird, and I don’t have my gem pairSee in a state that can parse our git history sensibly yet.
  • This is actually 112 days after I started, so ~3.7 months.


  • Going to a conference is quite a hassle if you expense it, book flights through the company travel system, etc. In the future I will strongly prefer local conferences. Not much of a hardship since this is SF, but annoying.
  • I am excited to go to &conf! I am not expensing this because then I would have to explain “intersectional feminism code retreat” to several people, and it’s pretty cheap for a conference.
  • One on ones are still A+ awesome at venting, fixing problems before they are big, and checking in.
  • Not all things that are called “pairing” are similar to what I think of as “pairing” and sometimes it bothers me. I do miss pairing, even though it is much easier to not.
  • IceCube is an interesting ruby library that I am now extremely familliar with but not super fond of.
  • BC townhall went well. Getting a seat is nice. Pre-recorded video animations are strange to me. The Big News has not been told to us yet.
  • CrumbBake technical talks are an EXCELLENT way to improve many of the things that I care about at an office (internal learning, developer communication)
  • Two of my favorite people are leaving. :/
  • There are a lot of distractions in the team room. Open plan is not terrible, but I prefer open team room separate from other areas.
  • Lots of figuring out what we should have built after actually building it; this seems to happen more to me than to others right now. This is the thing that I am mostly thinking about how to fix right now.
  • All-company hackathon week is in 2 weeks and I have a dozen ideas. Much excite.
  • There are blog posts that I plan to write, but have not yet. (jenkins nodes, retros)