tiny first conf

loll “nice, cool, welcoming” lol. see stafff. redshirts staff lol confreaks

https://www.procore.com/ stitchfix

lots of trigger warnings defining algorithms

nice slides reading slides “and when I say an array, it’s like a few terabytes”

darkest keynote edge cases can be really bad. too gneneric “be humble”

eric meyer year in review

“we care about you” care in less inadvertently terrible ways fitbit sex tracker, default public

uber god view not negligence but abuse uber one night stands lol data science

okc best quetions for a first data

adwords too-simple ai data is generated by people.

twitter accidental algortihmic run-ins

very femme perspective

iphoto, faces in baked goods how-old.net

dachau vs childrens plaground equipent

caring vs not caring flickyr autotagging people as animals based on skin color

legacy data interting

Affirm - consumer lending, smallish credit for consumer goods very little data

What is the word for invoking Hawking

how many people here will actually retain that this is important Maybe I am a grumpy old man

“financially shamed by an algorithm” “data always has bias, inherent from how it was collected and interpreted”

algorithms abuse talk

“major players”

“flip the paradigm” appealing to quality and

false positives, negatives

ACM Code of Ethics

Not over-packed keynote - 800 ppl. So far, this conf seems really good

“black people KNOW that pictures are not so great for them. It’s not a surprise.”

“being suppressed”

The answer to all of this is “because money and ease” but it does not have to be that way.

AUDIT OUTCOMES CONSTANTLY #rubcyconf #inadvertentAlgorithmicCruelty

What is data transparency? What is that?

algorithmic transparency

Proprietary is not the only way to win. #rubyconf “Remember when we argued for OSS in our toolkits? And we were RIGHT.”

cage vs cave oops

ten-minute warning for coffee

appealing to professional pride, not “code monkey”

“uncritically reproducing systems that were biased to begin with”

adconf is still the only conference I’ve actually felt compfortable at. I have been to a lot of conferences.

Main room: tests rspec-given drying up your tests makes them more complex

Joe hallway track Sandi - squint test lol Joe name drops Sandi :)

Wow my mentoring is kinda fail “When you feel the impulse to refactor your test, maybe it’s the code you’re testing that needs refactoring -“

is.gd/breaking up with your test suite

redundant coverage kills morale


DEFINITELY show this talk to people

‘slaves to our tests’

hire @testdouble :) :)

Ruby internals: TMI edition

tenderlove, redhat, manageIQ team “it’s not really a failure, I just haven’t finished yet”

quit clowning?

wish: money processing talk or 7 lessons

browse iseq_compile_each - 2000 lines, but chunked up into case statements which is faster?

yarvarch.ja in japanese, english translation is not done yet.


Thank you, dude who told me that he thinks that women care more about bring camera ready. I loved your overgeneralization. It really added to the conversation. It is not my job to unfuck your worldview. things I could have said (I said “mm” and left because I was also done eating)

  • “I prefer when my colleagues wear clothes while videoconferencing”

pluck slides https://speakerdeck.com/acuppy/pluck-it-extracting-micro-libraries-into-rubygems

pos-lunch Minute - meh

Gary Bernhart Impostor Syndrome “not real, therefore bad”

GC - about an external thing types vs tests - about the world impostor syndrome -

A Turing machine is a 7-tuple

“I’m bad at math” “Stop that” http://www.thepervertsguide.com/ideology/ CSE341 Dan Grossman http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse341/13sp/

what people mean by fit - pairing / culture / ping pong

Liking people more just because you’ve ever seen them before is an interesting

I explained https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie

speaker - works for Genius

yard - yay ruby documenter

js - use let instead of var

appraisal gem yayyy

gems for talking to twitter, facebook https://github.com/sferik/twitter

not ho, not jewler (why??) bootstrapping gems


Confreaks: Worst. Ideas. Ever. “the failbus” https://twitter.com/thagomizer_rb http://confreaks.tv/videos/rubyconf2009-worst-ideas-ever

loop do ; end life of qa engineer commodity hardware, conf room, too much noise, toasty s/deployment/hackery/

why stupid? off the shelf tools apache bench “I adore my boss” sentiment analysis of twitter using emojii “you will fail the interview with this”

latin squares!! Array.permute

tensor flow


Day 2 keynote amaing AV, great presentation style, not technical we explore by going places. physical presence… right? models in your heads..

not so rational programmer (*step)

mere exposure effect

If you are in a position of power, delay stating your opinion until everyone else has done so, or they will migrate to your opinion before having their on. #rubyconf

cognitive biases

extremely defensive programming

fun and plausible solutions “I was asked a qustion by a jr developer that absolutely floored me- that I wsn’t able to give a reasonable and complete answer to. forced to expain to a great level of detail” - when its ok to override the methods on object?

what makes a gem good?

  • terrible/good internals?
  • more convenient that doing it myself … and it stays convenient

“Teams are not homogeneous in terms of skill! There are senior developers AND junior developers” #rubyconf

“Now I need to talk about defensive coding, and this is where it is going to get slightly mad.” - @samphippen #rubyconf

Users lie. def method ; ‘get’ ; end

killing the method methhod by accident

TODO read rspec for fun, yes

good talk to re-watch show to the team

Some objects do not hae Kernel in their nheritence chain

“the alpha nerds in the room…”

include Kernel.dup

rebinding kernel …?


rubinius “not out of a lack of trying- on both sides”

“the rspec test suite is a great stress test for the metaprogramming of any ruby vm”

symboldelegator - in stdlib - not in kernel inheritance chain

“try not to actually read this code”

“No. Anyway, moving on.” yassss

‘remember the story?’


“if you start updef-ing methods, then I hate you.”


Rebecca’s talk on feature flags

reading slides?

simplistic so far…

  • what is a feature flag
  • why use it? http://martinfowler.com/bliki/FeatureToggle.html


Can you say more about who turns them on and off, and how and when? via commits

My perfect feature flag frameworks? no, but what tradeoffs

repeat the question!

Joe’s talk! “And i have flagrant time management problems, and let’s talk about them and maybe we will all feel better”

joe is a good speaker! (rebecca is a stilted speaker) “Actively disengaged- I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds like you’re about to burn the building down and walk out.” - @jmmastey #rubyconf

“being the child of the internet that I am…”

“I don’t get enough done, I still have hobbies and interests and friends… “ “the actual tip is - just wake up earlier!” noooo time thieves as gnimes!

“no such thing as an effective company- only an effective work group”

“self-care: you’re doing it wrong”

Make a pi graph of what you want your life to look like

get more energy, spend it wisely, recharge better tiny pig!!! roman neeeeeds to see this

how to rem sleep more

tiny pigs

love the citations

reducing willpower by using it, is only true if you believe it. (see research?)

multitasking nope

rest is not idleness. idleness is not rest. “not focussed on external stimuli” <- important…?


infinite string of tuesdays

tiny pig with tiny guitarrrr :) :) :)

“How do you not feel guilty about not doing work?”

Jack Danger from Square, ruby env variables API, NY, atlanta, st louis! tokyo

“If you want to be someone who other people call a wizard, learn the tools.” very frustrated for a long time until you become less frustrated, and we call that understanding.

echo $PATH | tr : "\n"


stat .


todo bike more? to work, if not always back from work

open source is magic my little pony tshirt

gem_original_require (rubygems)

reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin (bundler)

rubygems can use gemfile.lock with out bundler

methods talk Messenger: The (Complete) Story of Method Lookup

I am not onboard with his definition of singleton…?

prepend allows module method to override class method

refinements: 2.0, .1 - “to make monkeypatching safe again”

http://www.njl.us/essays # pycon stuff

Nice solid talk, makes sense. Worth watching, especially if the middle bit got fixed

lightning talks

https://github.com/captdowner/ttalk losing the ability to speak

“enough bash to be dangerous” lol this guy gem install encoded_string errrr

“I will be mispronouncing everyone’s name, in fairness to everyone whose names I cannot pronounce” THANK YOU #rubyconf

good practice for speaking

“I’ll be mispronouncing everyone’s name, in fairness to everyone whose names I can’t pronounce” THANK YOU for showing how it feels #rubyconf

inconcievable ideas dont make it though

idea: leaf feed of CR

mind mapping

mob programming

billy watson, general aviation pilot

categorizible “the real world is not a place. It is an excuse.” “when you rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles” “what would have to be true” kent beck tweets go really well in slides “don’t use the word match five different ways” metrics, logs, docs, testing


embarassingly concurrent problems


ure it comes after struct gems: (better than openstruct) ure values value_struct - @claytonflesher

notdevinclark “not like a rotisserie chicken”


https://speakerdeck.com/randycoulman/inconceivable http://openbuilds.com/ http://freefab3d.com/ http://myminfactory.com/ https://speakerdeck.com/randycoulman/inconceivable @scottmaslar @piisalie

all speakers so far male http://cannot.into.computer/


reddit devops todo/idea: lurk CR reddit

7 laws of teaching:

  1. teacher must know the lesson (not just the context, the lesson!) use commonly understood language teach from teh known to the unknown factoid set expectations: learning tools? theory/best practices? “If you can’t articulate your expectations, you are setting new hires up for frustration and failure.”

@mikirez AMAZING jr dev talk


It’s not being an impostor, its being really good at just-in-time learning, the primary skill of our professions.

@natbudin Patients Like Me, social network for patients with chronic isllness sublime-flog-highlighter rblineprof github/nrubin

Volt @rickcolino FarmBot OSS robotics framework Opal transpiles ruby into js

ruby-vernac: ruby not in english highest motorable road int he world

why estimate? how know whether start? positive roi


http://www.bookduets.com/ markov chains todo: markov chain in ruby showing her senior project for the bootcamp of adacamp unigoats classmates

get a job! you are a “self-taught” developer “how hard could that be?” Manheim

types_of_lightning_talks = [implausibly_ambitious: 1, nonsensical: 2, already_done: 3, ok_but_meh: 4, presentation_oops: 5, zomg_best: 6, tell_my_team: 7]

enough __ to be dangerous: 2, 3 encoded_string: 4, 6 captdowner: 1, 3 RocketJob: 4, 7 Inconceivable! (ideas): pretty good pilot: 6 ray, hardware: 4 ure (struct gem): 6 3d printing: 6 huge 3d printer: 6 UI talk / elm: onboarding jr devs: 6 PubSub: 5, 3 2tiny: 6, volt: 5, 6 ruby-vernac: 6 estimation: 4 book_duets: 4 gettajob: 6

day 3 keynote CFP railsconf Jan 15 http://www.antonnguyen.com/2009/07/30/why-i-hate-urinals/ https://t.co/NYteb61xs8 https://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/publications/files/zeller-esec-1999.pdf https://twitter.com/crstry http://tommytalker.com/ https://github.com/rspec/rspec-support/issues/249 https://github.com/bf4/encoded_string free tickets to people who have been to a lot of rubyconfs zip LOLLL

I got biz cards for Adam. rush shipping.

botany and bytes gem install –pre graphics based on stl


jellyfish unx command

bending stiffness

how does bundler work

@indirect cloud city development “someone who has seen how that decision go wrong, and how to avoid it” RubyTogether !!! team lead for bundler, 4 yr WOW

“presumably require did not exist at some point, but Matz was not using version control yet, so I don’t know when.” (before 1997) #rubyconf

todo: adam watch bundler talk?

require! abolute paths dirs “this is fine” fire shirt

the “ruby application archive” - lost to the internet, but the predecessor to rubygems.org

“this is my favorite part of how it was horrible!”


gem hack version


activation errors

I personally remember the land of terribad ruby dependency fun. This and similar problems are why you should <3 <3 <3 @rubytogether #rubyconf

dependency graph resolution

“In theory, it is possible to construct a Gemfile such that it takes until after the heat-death of the universe to find which gems to use.” #rubyconf #dependencyresolution


gemstash - a server in your office/datacenter, local cache for rubygems

Ruby 2 methodology

RubyKaigi Japan 2015 :)

todo: watch cucumber talk

Rdoc mutes the docs of private methods https://www.excella.com/ http://enveritasgroup.com/2015/11/13/good-or-bad-its-very-real-your-employees-on-social-media/


kwargs - key word arguments

todo: leaf dark theme

binding local_variables

alias_method_chain is deprecated

lots of def save and def render, code complexity

adding .super_method (CR oooo)

refinemenst cant bec alled using kernel.send

OH at #rubyconf “Don’t go looking at my code, bro!” “Sorry” OH at #rubyconf “One thing that rails has taught me is that I hate databases”



git.io/v8GbT https://github.com/jasonrclark/gdb_a_gentle_intro


in a talk: list technical reviewers

“How hard could it be?”

“who thought that they were so smart” - implies proving that they are less smart / smartness compeittion - rather than “help our coworker understand teh scope of work” - competition rather than cooperation


“IF you have everything wired up correctly in GDB…” #rubyconf

did I get applecare?

“Don’t panic, but that’s a memory location, and this is a pointer” I was not going to panic, but thanks for the advice. #rubyconf

TODO say hi to Kaiser Hi! Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude when I said hi at RubyConf, I just didn’t want to take up your time if you didn’t want to chat right then. I’m working at Groupon in SF right now with ruby/rails/coffeesript. What are you up to?

nrdebug - they wrote it … debugging deadlocking on users machines -gem

~/.gdbinit define exit ; quit ; end


silly gdb tricks

nov 10-12 cincinatti, OH

“I am the creator of this universe” laziness, impatience, hubris- all related to anger. “You can safely feel anger, if it is kept inside of you. Publicized anger is infectious” minaswan “Am I look like that?” minaswan sticker

martin fowler invented minaswan! wow “the greatest virtue of the ruby community” https://www.stickermule.com/marketplace/4696-minaswan-hexagon-laptop-standard-sticker

“the geek nationality”

Enumberable#grep_v the way that matz pronounces enumberable Hash#to_proc .map(&h) did-you-mean

now we cansafely ignore safe pull-req

?. in swift/groovy, &. psych confusing v methods that end with ?

“lonely operator- you can see the guy sitting on the floor, looking at the dot, alone.” &. #rubcyconf

handles as a phenomenon the phenomenon of handles where do handles come from

better build process of mruby

language Streem- experimental, toy

how much do you pay when you upgrade rails 4 to rails 5?

“somebody like pain, though”

“I am a language designer. Design is hard.”

“the horses were swept away from teh world” fanfic where sentient descendents of hourses come back to yell at teh Ford family

seeing patterns- stuck on the word horse- need to blacklist a word https://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Rationalist_taboo https://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/A_Human’s_Guide_to_Words

todo perl koans?

perl and python… first language? eh

todo rewrite https://github.com/compwron/ruby_katas/blob/master/roman_numerals/roman_numerals.rb

someone needs english-checking slides…

very full talk hall- fuller than for the first keynote

versioning illusion?? (wrong semver)

migration bait (get lots of benefits)

YARV multicore…??? core scalability

code scalability

generate a million-line ruby codebase, syntactically correct, with x variation…

./nonsense-ruby-gen -class-count 2 –method-count 7 –method-complexity 4

“It is easy to introduce non-deterministic errors” (in concurrent programming language design)

“we use ownership for concurrency”

STM - software transactional memory (clojure) STDIN |> STDOUT

Rube Goldberg programming / OK GO programming #rubyconf

ruby 3x3 - 3 times faster than ruby2

not because it is easy, but because it is hard

appfolio, heroku, hied the 3 main core devs… http://www.appfolio.com/ j9 IBM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_J9 - claim they can just-in-time compile rails ??

cruby… rubinius

“we need your power. thank you.”

“github is not really opensource. Git is, but github is not.” (why ruby is not on github) #rubyconf

single-binary deploys

not a question goddammit transaction-simple de-cloned everything?

“Why did you make parenthesis optional in ruby?” “To make rspec possible” #rubyconf

ratio of talks attended to time travelled

ruby in routers? betting machines?

leaf http://www.halostatue.ca/

macro system syntax? “What syntax will you use for the macro system?” “We will not have macros in ruby” #rubyconf

AST from ruby code

best practice dont introduce yourself

https://www.excella.com/ WATCH LATER: The Seven Righteous Fights

Heidi Waterhouse

[ Salon IJ ] Mo Money Mo Problems (with Ruby)

Federico Soria

show the estimations to team! http://rubyconf.org/program#prop_1406


  1. Joe Mastey!
    • coderanger
    • andconf person!
    • sponsee
    • ryan from braintree
    • rebecca
    • dude with grace hopper shirt
    • Hi to TechNews person EJ Kaiser

mi: “someone please come talk to me. But not in a way that I won’t like. …Maybe don’t talk to me. …I am sad now.”


Nice hotel. Cheap hotel close by, still not terrible (best western) breakfast- pastries

edna [12:04 PM] It’s me! I yelled at you :)

​[12:04] @cwron:
