Tidbits from a ruby developer trying to gain/regain any python chops whatsoever

Zeroth, I got python3 installed on my machine. I have sixteen (16) versions (it’s been a long few months of upgrading & testing our various apps) of ruby installed, and hundreds of gems. I have rust and golang. But python on my unmodified system is the version that even I know is the one that I shouldn’t use. brew install python3

First I took a tiny simple game based on basic math, and rewrote it in python. I had to google everything. How to get an element out of an array. How to import a library. How to use while, and what the syntax for “else if” was, and how to round numbers, and how to get datetimes, and whether I could use ++ or not. Also, I hope to find better string concatenations but I went with the basics.

In other words, my quiz.py is a frankenstein of ten or twenty stackoverflow articles, patched together in the form of my quiz.rb. I look forward to internalizing these things so that I can write in a coherent style without looking up every second character.

Next I found the most-installed python wheel (equivalent to a ruby gem) on pypi, found it on github, cloned the repo and ran the tests. This was gratifyingly easy. I hope to make a semi-useful pull request- maybe a typofix or adding a test.

I had to look up what the heck the .rst readme format was!

“kwargs” (usually used in a method signature as **kwargs) means “an arbitrary number of keyword arguments”