This is my ninth day at ThoughtWorks. I’ve worked here about three and a half years. I am a “rebound”, a “rehire”, an “ex-alumni”. And I love it. I have been welcomed back by so many people that I know here. “Welcome back! …You must get that a lot” “Yes, and I love it every time.”

I am doing All The Things. I feel more like a developer than I have in a while- the doldrums of a cancelled startup are good for no one’s ego.

I’ve heard about amazing projects. Honestly even the “terrible” projects sound pretty good to me right now. I’ll be starting a new project with a new team soon; the last few days have been a little bit of everything, mostly studying things, upskilling myself, asking questions, and writing android-java, web-ruby, and devops-javascript. I spoke at one conference and attended another one. I sat in on a “story blitz” held by the internal ops team during which they broke down their upcoming work into work streams and planned and prioritized it. Okta and jive and activedirectory and google admin stuff, oh my.

I have found a few edge cases with a re-activated company account (mostly system sync things, and one bug caused by emails being sent to a deactivated account causing my email to be blacklisted as broken) but nothing that wasn’t straightforward to get fixed.

I am excite. :)