Glassbox is a competitor to Logrocket and similar platforms. Glassbox is willing to sign a HIPAA BAA. Integrating with Glassbox can be slow- first we signed up on their website to get a demo.

  1. Demo happened, looked good.
  2. BAA / compliance discovery process.
  3. Then our point of contact introduced us to some other people. (All this via email threads)
I'd like to introduce the team members from Glassbox who would be leading this initiative - 
<name1> - Professional Services Engineer: Technical liaison helping with integration. 
<name2> - Business Insights Manager : The analytics expert who will help you with deriving value out of Glassbox. 
<name2 (original contact)> - For escalations 
We have submitted the request to build the environment and the standard SLA is 48 hours. 

As soon as the environment comes up, <name1> will reach out to your team to schedule a call for kick-off/integration. 

For the development team, they will need access to our knowledge article for integration instructions. Please request via this link - Request Access

Api docs request access link

All this for an integration that I sincerely hope will be 1-5 lines of code

I do like that they spin up a separate environment for us- that’s probably part of how they manage their BAA risk. I wish it were faster.