Here are some notes from some meetups that I went to.

I used the fake name Foo Bar and it totally worked even at the high-security building :)

I love the tshirt commit&deploy&scale&?repeat

“Dahlia” is a company near the Caltrain

“hates testing, slows you down” (when you don’t know what the api will be like)

Presentation by @indirect

cloud city development # latest version of setup.rb on his website

command provided by a gem takes a secret argument surrounded by underscores- tell rubygem what version to load

I tend to write fake names on nametags and then also not wear them, because I consider strangers being able to see my name to be kind of creepy.


Talk 2

“Automate the boring parts”

Deployboard - an app that AirBnb wrote, not OS yet :/

tshirt idea- “I make every line count”

GOCD shoutout! The presenter is not a huge fan tho

Solano CI

“So we profiled it and no, it’s actually fine.”

“In places where there are release engineers”

“What does it mean to publish a build?”

“To sum up the things that we’ve talked about”

“deploys are boring but dangerous” well yeah

Open Q&A DOOOOM PLAN your Q&A people

“what is a build artifact??”

AirBnb is entirely on AWS

“I spent a long time working on caching infrastructure”

ChatOps - for them, each chatroom has two panes: github: humans to humans, humans to robots

the new api avoids downloading all the gem names ever

##Papers We Love #17 at Github


  • What is this music? Somewhere between rap and dubstep
  • Omg their reception area is styled like the USA Oval Office (President’s office)
  • I like the top-of-shipping-container seating and octocat-as-Rodin statue

Things I dislike:

  • Cutesy speaker intros “two true things and one false thing!” Play it straight. Let the speakers make the terrible jokes.

Things I do not hate:

  • speaker selfies.
  • running into former coworkers!

Talk one notes:

  • Project Callisto (premiering at two colleges in freshman orientation this Fall!)
  • Made by Sexual Health Innovations
  • Discussion of different kinds of escros. Callisto is “allegation escrow” to reduce the first mover disadvantage
  • stag hunt / penguin problem
  • Two people have to be hurt before anyone gets in trouble… I have no problems with this.
  • “If you’ve ever run a benchmark, you know that the answer is a shrug and emoticon.” College website - really hard to find out how to report on college websites. Stores data while the user decides whether to 6mo assult to first contact with title9. Self reporting, escrow! Imbalance of staleness False and bad-faith complaints - half the paper- law vs computer science paper. Security, bad actors - very emphasized. Failsafes.
  • Spherical cows joke lol. Assumptions are laid out!
  • One of the goals is to reduce the liklihood of offenses (other goal is to actually report offenses)
  • “Survived” assault. Implies that one might not survive. Which is true.
  • “Assume a perfect matching algorithm!” Matching on name won’t work. Biiiig colleges!
  • Fun crypto to protect against intrusion / subponeas!
  • Millitary is very inteesting. In the workplace…
  • Trauma-informed design. Interview design.

“I love this paper in a polyamorous way- I love other papers too”

Spanner is cool. I won’t retype his slides

chimera other chimera

reifying clock undertainty


“these weird things that we call directories”

“its a muddled mess- it’s a feature; its necessary for performance”

Why Hackathons Suck (ThoughtWorks)

Enterprise Hackathons (ThoughtWorks)

“leader” not “master”

Spanner database and Spanner article


Ran into Jeff and Bryan from Braintree

data meaningfully organized geographically - users in europe stored in europe but in the same database as all other users

directories split into fragments

computers in datacenters with a gps / atomic clock onboard

ECC errors spike at google = 15 globally on all machines. This is the worlds most expensive sunspot detector! Very cool

Math is just computer science with really terribly-named variables and methods? High-level-language computer programming is literally math with better-named variables and functions?

“I think he’s living his life and has not responded to my email.”

“Work published between 2007 and 2009 showed widely varying error rates with over 7 orders of magnitude difference, ranging from 10−10–10−17 error/bit·h, roughly one bit error, per hour, per gigabyte of memory to one bit error, per millennium, per gigabyte of memory.[4][5][6] A very large-scale study based on Google’s very large number of servers was presented at the SIGMETRICS/Performance’09 conference.[5] T”

“they elide things in google papers…”

Let the audience clap before questions! They want to clap for you! (have the thanks slide before questions)

“interactive” not “inturruption”