Laptop setup (ad hoc)

  1. Install amphetamine as a substitute for the now-deprecated (but open-sourced!) Caffeine app
  2. Install and configure iTerm2 and Oh My Zsh and my pile of custom bash profile aliases
  3. Install homebrew
  4. Install docker
  5. Install nvm
  6. Install rvm
  7. Create new ssh key, add to github
  8. Install and setup heroku cli (for CASA work)
  9. Install Leaf and import OPML

Start writing presentation “Modern Software Development”

1 hour, to college students

Ruby for Good: CASA

Reviewed and merged 3 PRs

Filed a bug that we found yesterday during onboarding and posted to slack but hadn’t filed.

Finish LW blog draft

The notes are also posted on this blog. If they ever get polished and posted for real, it will not be here.

Various personal stuff